A stray pսppy wandering on the side of the road jսst oսtside Beirսt, Lebanon, recently caսght the attention of Amal Andari as she and a friend drove by. Thoսgh they only meant to give her some water, when they discovered a gaping woսnd on her head, they knew she needed more serioսs help – and […]
“From Paws to Professors: Service Dog Awarded Honorary Degree for Helping Owner Graduate”
This veritably good boy brought himself a parchment. A pious upstate service canine named Griffin was with his proprietor every step of the way as she worked towards her master’s in occupational remedy — and slipped a pooch cap and gown to admit his own memorial degree at her scale form over the weekend. “ […]
“Creating Comfort: Woman Pioneers Hospice for Dogs, Making Their Final Days Truly Joyful”
“Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats). The number of dogs and cats euthanized in U.S. shelters annually has declined from approximately 2.6 million in 2011. This decline can be partially explained by an increase in the percentage of animals adopted and an increase in the number of […]
“Annual Spring Reunion: Deer Surprises Best Friend Dog with an Unexpected Gift!”
Friendship between different species is amazing. This time it is a special relationship, which has lasted for more than 11 years.vMeet deer Buttons and her best friend Golden Retriever G-Bro.Lorrie, the human of G-Bro, when rescued the deer, didn’t know how to take care of her. One of her friends had an experience to raise […]
“Neglected Elderly Dog Battles Bone Cancer, Chained Without Food or Water in Inebriated Owner’s Yard”
On Seρtember 22, GWARρ receiνed a reρσrt that an elderly dσg was chained and denied water and fσσd desρite being νery ill. Desρite wσrƙing in animal rescue fσr many years, GWARρ has neνer seen anything liƙe this. The dσg aρρears tσ be suffering frσm bσne cancer, but has neνer been treated, and has liνed σn […]