A kitten clung to the people who came for him, after a week at the shelter. They ended up saving his life. Owen the kitten@catasticalmeows A black and white kitten was brought into an animal shelter, desperately needing foster care. He had a mild upper respiratory infection and was very small for his age. Shelter […]
Driver Spots a Ball of Fur on the Road, Turns Out It’s a Kitten, In One Day His Life Completely Changes
A driver spotted a ball of fur on the road. It turned out to be a kitten needing help. One day, his life completely changed. Batistt@comrescuemontreal Marie was driving when she spotted a ball of fur in the middle of the road. She was shocked to find out that it was a kitten. He was […]
The Feline Time Traveler: Meet the 31-Year-Old Cat Defying Age
Tabby cat Nutmeg, who is a strong contender for the title of the world’s oldest cat, recently marked his 31st birthday, which is equivalent to 141 human years in cat age. Nutmeg, who was welcomed into the home of Liz and Ian Finlay over two decades ago after showing up in their backyard, is described […]
Meet Kevin, The Cat With A Permanent Surprised Look On His Face
Meet Kevin, the remarkable Russian Blue feline who defied all odds from day one! He was discovered in a car park at just 4 weeks old, and that’s when his rollercoaster of a journey began. When Kevin’s rescuers took him to the vet, they found out that Kevin suffered from a serious condition that […]
Abandoned Senior Cat Finds Loving Home – And His Life Is Just Beginning!
Tigger the cat recently celebrated his 22nd birthday wearing a dapper bow tie and festive hat — and in addition, sharing a three-meat cake with a kitty brother named Stuart. Tigger was tenderly tended to by his adoptive parents, former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader Adriene Buisch and her boyfriend, Michael Trentadue, who are absolutely determined to […]