A kitten wriggled her way into the heart of a woman, who cared for her after she was rescued from a storm. Earlier this year, One Cat At A Time, a rescue group in Québec, Canada, was contacted about a kitten abandoned in a bag at a parking lot in Mirabel. “A kind lady heard […]
Cat Found Wandering on Snowy Roads is So Happy to Have Her Kittens Out of the Cold
A cat who was found wandering on snowy roads, is so happy to have her kittens out of the cold. Missy the cat and her kittensTiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue About a month ago, Mellissa, the founder of Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue (in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada), was notified about a cat running around outside […]
When a cat with a crooked ear seeks help from people
A cat with a bent ear came up to kind people for help. They got her indoors just in time for her kittens to arrive. A few Good Samaritans noticed a stray cat with a bent ear wandering around the neighborhood and began feeding her. Slowly, the cat warmed up to them and approached them […]
This Dog Doesn’t Know What To Do After Tiny Kittens Occupy His Big Bed
While cats and dogs were portrayed as the biggest enemies for centuries, there’s nothing better than seeing them hanging out together, proving just the opposite. But, if you ask me, when you put cats and dogs together, it has to be either hilarious or too adorable. Well, this video has the best of both worlds. […]
Orphaned Kitty Bonds with New Feline Companion in Heartwarming Cuddle Fest
A ѕmαӏӏ kіttеո wіtһᴏսt α mᴏtһег ԁіѕϲᴏνегеԁ α ոеw ѕіѕtег wһеո ѕһе fᴏսոԁ һег fᴏгеνег һᴏmе. Tһе рαіг fᴏгmеԁ α ѕtгᴏոց bᴏոԁ гіցһt αwαу αոԁ һανе bееո ѕոսցցӏіոց tᴏցеtһег еνег ѕіոϲе. Sαу һі tᴏ Cһеуеոոе αոԁ Pеαгӏ! Amу ѕһαгеԁ tһе һеαгtwαгmіոց ѕtᴏгу ᴏf Cһеуеոոе, α ԁеӏіցһtfսӏ kіttеո wһᴏ fᴏսոԁ һегѕеӏf αt tһе Νеναԁα SPCA іո […]