How do you say goodbye to your favorite childhood buddy No matter how old you are or how long its been since you last saw each other those childhood memories never fade away When Alden Cuevas and her brother Jackson from Texas last saw their dog Shiloh they never imagined it would be for […]
Owner Thought Her Dog Was Pregnant So She Took Her To The Vet And Learned What Was Really Going On.giang
One of the hardest things a rescuer experiences is learning that the owner of a pup is abusing them They have to drive to the house confront the owner and explain to them that what they are doing is wrong then try to get the pup into their care and take them as far […]
Couple Adopted An Adorable Pitbull And Later Learned Something Important About Him.giang
When puppies are born they need their mothers unconditional love and care in order to thrive and turn into happy pups Sadly some puppies are not given the chance to spend their puppyhood alongside their mom and soak up all her love Koby a Pit Bull mix puppy was one of the fur babies […]
Driver Was Shocked To See A ThreeLegged Puppy Crying Near The Road So He Stopped To Help.giang
From the moment the puppies mom welcomes them into the world with her sweet kisses the tiny fur babies depend on her love and warmth Sadly some puppies become deprived of their mothers infinite love and care after their owners separate them from her embrace A little puppy was just a few days old […]
The Story Of A Disabled Dog Didnt Start Well But It Had The Most Heartwarming Twist.giang
A dogs life can sometimes be really difficult and full of downfalls Neglect abuse or abandonment by his loved one are perhaps the most difficult things that can happen to him However there are dogs that are forbidden to feel happiness from the very first day of their lives These are the canines who […]