Wildebeest is a highly herd-instinct species, in which the young will be protected by the adults, which is why leopards often wait for the time when the young leave the herd or the adults negligent to attack the young antelope. However, it is not clear why in the clip above, the wildebeest herd is quite indifferent to the young being attacked by leopards.

When he saw the mother and baby antelope running past in front of him, the leopard waited for the mother antelope to run past before leaping out to attack the young.
The mother antelope, when she realized that her baby was attacked by a leopard, immediately returned, trying to use her horns to fight the predator to find a way to rescue her baby.

Unfortunately, the power of motherly love is not enough to help the mother antelope save her baby. The image at the end of the clip shows the leopard dragging the carcass of the baby antelope to prepare a delicious meal.

A remarkable detail in the clip is that the other members of the antelope herd showed indifference without showing any intention to help the mother antelope rescue her baby. If the herd of antelope joins forces, leopards will most likely have to leave their prey behind to escape.