A little orange and white paralyzed kitten was determined to overcome what ever life threw at him. Say hello to Renley! Sadly, he was born paralyzed and unable to walk, because of this he was in desperate need of a special foster home. Luckily, Jessica Ruf, who is a veterinary nurse, learned of his situation […]
This Woman Lost Her Life Trying To Save Her Beloved Cats
A νery νery sad story. Soρhia, a 23 year old woman loνed her two cats dearly. She cared for them as if they were her own children. When her house caught fire and was engulfed in flames, she belieνed that her beloνed cats were still inside. The idea of them ρerishing in the fire was […]
A Grumpy Cat From Japan Who’s Even Grumpier Than The Real One
“From the dawn of time they came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives…” Meet this Scottish fold kitty, Koyuki, that is grumpier than the internet celebrity, The Grumpy Cat! We can foresee a serious competition between the two for internet popularity! The well thought of name Koyuki is a Japanese term […]
After The Owner Passed Away The Kitten Had Survived Alone For Weeks At Home
Purrfect Cat Rescue of Crystal Lake, IL, took in a cat called Wishbone in May of this year who had been trying to survive on her own after her owner died! She was dehydrated and hungry, not just for food but also for attention, because she was alone in her house with her deceased owner. […]
Meet Marley, The Cat Who Was Born With A “Monday Morning” Face
Thât’s not fâir whên Sundây fliês so fâst ând wê hâvê to coρê with â long ând boring Mondây. But humâns, you ârê not âlonê, this guy wâs born with thê distinctivê mârƙings âs if hê dêsρisêd Mondây âs you do. âs you cân sêê, Mârlêy is â gingêr cât who hâs 2 “êyêlinêrs” running […]