En un sorprendente giro de los acontecimientos, la leyenda de la NBA y magnate de los negocios, Shaquille O’Neal, supuestamente expulsó a la superestrella de Hollywood George Clooney de uno de sus restaurantes, emitiendo una prohibición de por vida. El incidente, que desde entonces se ha vuelto viral, terminó con Shaq supuestamente diciéndole a Clooney: […]
This Army Division Just Secured Cybersecurity for a Distant Brigade.hienca
One of the Army’s most modernized armored brigades and its parent division recently conducted the service’s first long-range, fully remote cybersecurity operation at the division level. The 3rd Infantry Division’s network operations and security cell remained at Fort Stewart, Georgia, in July, covering the first 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team’s cyber 6 as the Raider […]
Coca-Cola Ends Long-Term Partnership with Taylor Swift, Citing “We Don’t Support Her Endorsement.hienca
In a move that has shocked fans and fizzled out one of the most iconic partnerships in modern pop culture, Coca-Cola has officially ended its long-standing collaboration with global superstar Taylor Swift. The reason? Swift’s recent political endorsement of Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential election, a move that Coca-Cola executives say they “just can’t […]
It’s Official: Texas Makes Bringing a Pride Flag to the Classroom a Crime.hienca
In a move that’s sure to send shockwaves through classrooms and craft supply stores alike, Texas has officially passed a law making it a crime to bring a Pride flag to school. Yes, you heard that right—a crime. As in, “break out the handcuffs and call the sheriff, we’ve got a rainbow situation in Room […]
New: “I’d Rather See Free School Lunch for All Kids Than Bail Out Grown-Ups’ College Debt.hienca
Eпsυriпg that all childreп receive free school lυпches is a direct iпvestmeпt iп their health, well-beiпg, aпd academic sυccess. Childreп caппot focυs or perform well iп school wheп they are hυпgry, aпd for maпy families, providiпg a пυtritioυs lυпch every day is a fiпaпcial bυrdeп. By offeriпg free lυпches to all stυdeпts, we woυld be […]