Heading off to work and leaving your beloved pets alone at home must be tough for any pet parent
Luckily thanks to advancements in technology you can keep an eye on your furry children and see what theyre up to while youre away
Especially if your furry kids are known for causing a bit of havoc around the house
Well thats exactly why Carly a pet mom of three decided to install an indoor camera in her living room
She thought she would be able to watch her pets and maybe catch them redhanded however she failed hilariously
Mercy Caught In The Act
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Meet Mercy
She is a oneyearold German Shepherd puppy that is experiencing something which in human toddlers is known as the terrible twos
If you didnt know puppies also go through a similar stage where they can be lets say a bit challenging
Shes going through a terror phase Carly told Ring LLC an Amazon owned home security and smart home company Shes eaten every single ornament she can reach on the tree and has proceeded to go after picture frames
So Carly and her husband decided to set up a Ring Indoor Cam to keep an eye on Mercy
They were hoping to catch her in the act and scold her for her destructive behavior If you dont know the Ring camera also has a mic so Carly is able to talk with Mercy anytime she catches her chewing something
Well everything was going perfectly until Mercys feline sisters decided to get involved
A Hilarious CoverUp
When Carly saw Mercy chewing on the picture frame she quickly called her name and told her put that down
Mercy immediately stopped chewing and perked her ears at the sound of her mom She looked directly at the camera but was very confused since her mom was not in front of her
She didnt drop the frame though
Mercy drop that Carly continued to say
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Thats when the cats decided to show up They werent going to let Mercy down
First you can see Carlys white cat who was also very confused rushing over to look at the camera
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Then the other black and white cat whose name is Ling Ling shows up That is when it gets hilariously entertaining
Ling Ling first started to sniff the camera real close and then decided to cover the camera completely so her mom couldnt see anything
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Its hard to stay mad at them when we saw their reactions to my voice Carly said
She was able to quickly save the video to show her husband the evidence of Mercy and the cats shenanigans
Heres the hilarious video
People absolutely loved it One person commented
This entire video blessed me lol Mercy didnt move a piece an inch aside from tilting herhis head and ponder if its worth chewing while being scolded The white cat popped in to find out what in the foolishness was happening Ling Ling was going to get to the bottom of things Mercy continues to debate internally about chewing in front of owner possibly also contemplating the meaning of life and allows Ling Ling to get to the bottom of things
Considering this whole situation its safe to say that cats and dogs do get along as opposed to popular belief
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